Gutter Should Continue To Drain

This seems to be a pretty common problem with gutter drains. The
people installing the drains main concern of course is to get the water
off of the roof and away from the building. They even went so far as to
put an area drain in the concrete sidewalk to collect the water draining
off of the driveway.
This looks like a great idea when the weather is dry. But as you can see
I took this photograph right after it rained. Look at how wet the block
wall and the stairs are.
This gutter should have been continued down to about 2 inches above the
sidewalk. This would eliminate excess splashing and water draining onto
the block wall. The water splashing onto the block wall could create
problems later on down the road.
One of the problems this could create would be any plans in the flower
bed, their roots would be attracted to the moist block wall and over
time the roots could grow in between the mortar joints and eventually
damaging the wall.