Condensation Shower Ceiling Problem

This is actually a bathroom in a hotel that I took a shower in, without a
window, but with a bathroom ventilation fan. However, you can easily see
that the fan wasn't doing its job and part of the problem was that there
wasn't enough space underneath the bathroom door to provide the bathroom
with enough fresh air, while the fan was working.
You can have the
most powerful fan in the world, but if it's in a sealed room or a room with
limited access to fresh air, it really won't matter.

This is actually a bathroom ceiling without any texture or paint,
because a high concentration of moisture over the shower eventually took its
toll, stripping the paint and texture and leaving the drywall. It really is
hard to imagine how much damage moisture can do, but I don't think I've ever
seen something like this.
It's my guess that the bathroom ceiling was
painted with flat paint, instead of semi gloss or high-gloss. I've only seen
this one other time and that's exactly what caused the problem, however it
wasn't so severe as the picture above. It wouldn't be a bad idea to ask your
local paint supplier what type of paint they recommend for bathrooms in your
It really depends on what part of the country you're in, as to
what type of paint you should use and there's nobody who can answer this
question better than your local paint supplier, as long as they know what
they're talking about.