Posts Bolted To Side Of Landing

Bolting post to the side of a floor landing
fascia board, is not that good of an idea. The weight of the roof is now
transferred to these three bolts or lag screws. If one of these posts
were to crack at the weak spot, now created by the three bolts that are
holding it in place.
The entire roof above would collapse. The weight of the roof could
actually cause the floor landing and stairway to collapse also.
These post should have sat on top of the second floor landing.
Transferring the weight from the roof structure, directly on top of the
floor. This is something that should be written up during your home
We are assuming that these are bolts but could actually be lag screws. I
would prefer bolts to lag screws in a situation like this.
These post should be examined on a regular basis for cracks or other
damage that could cause structural failure. These posts create a safety
hazard for the building occupants and should be examined by a structural
engineer for safety.