Remove Mats In Bathtub

While doing your home inspections, you should
remove all rugs or mats that in the house to inspect the flooring
underneath them.
In this case make sure you remove all bathtub mats like the one shown in
the picture above, to inspect for any damage to the bathtub.
My guess is that, this bath tub is not damaged because the rest of the
tub looks like it is in good shape. However do not be fooled into
believing this is so.
The black arrow points to a chip out of the bathtub that is starting to
rust. This might not be major damage right now but should be repaired to
extend the life of the bathtub.
Most repair kits for bathtubs can be purchased at your local home
improvement centers and are quite inexpensive and easy to use.
This bathtub is made from cast iron and a chip like this will usually
take years to rust all the way through, eventually creating a water leak
and damage to the home.