Weeds Growing In Roof Tile
It's not too often you're going to find plants
growing in your roofing materials. This picture was actually taken in an
extremely humid climate.
Clay tiles will absorb any moisture they possibly can. This will allow
some plants to grow on them or in between the tiles. The biggest problem
in a situation like this would be to throw a little bit of soil or dirt
onto the roofing.
Now you're probably wondering how did they get dirt on top of the Clay
roofing tiles. My best guess would be through winds or dust storms, but
who really knows.
Don't forget that leaves on top of the roof decompose and decomposed
leaves turn into excellent soil for growing any plants. Now all we need
are a few seeds from the wind or birds to have a nice garden growing on
our roofing.
These plans will eventually destroy the roofing materials and should be
removed as soon as possible. I do not recommend walking on a roof in
this condition because it could be extremely slippery.
I do recommend contacting a professional or a roofing contractor to
prevent further damage to this roof.
This roof might need to be disassembled, cleaned and
put back together in order to prevent this from happening again.