Rear Property Easement

Some homes are built with property in back of
their backyards or even on the side of their side yards. As you can see
in the picture above, this rear property easements has a few trees with
very little ground cover.
If you see a hillside without any ground cover this means you will
eventually have soil erosion problems. This could affect your property
over time.
If this property is not maintained by a homeowners association, that
means the city probably maintains the area. Most cities will do very
little maintenance with properties like this and you could very well
find yourself maintaining the property.
Keep this in mind when inspecting a house you are thinking about
purchasing. You can see some dirt from the hillside is creating a
problem on the sidewalk and will need to be cleaned regularly.
If you enjoy taking walks around your neighborhood you might consider
bringing a large brome for some additional exercise.
In some areas the sidewalks are rarely cleaned or maintained and if this
is a concern of yours, try to gather some more information about who's
responsible for the maintenance and how often it will be cleaned.