Exterior Chair Problems

When driving through a neighborhood you are thinking about
purchasing a home in it is a good idea to look around very carefully at
the neighborhood. Look for any clues pointing towards homes that are not
taken care of.
Some of these homes are owned by the elderly and either they cannot take
care of them or they don't have the money to hire someone for home
Whenever I see two chairs like that sitting outside of someone's house
it reminds me of one time when I took a wrong turn down a street into an
extremely rough neighborhood.
I'm not going to go into the details about my drive down the street but
if you can only imagine two people sitting in these chairs all day long
with a possibility of consuming alcohol or maybe some drugs, you're
probably in a rough neighborhood.
Please use common sense when driving through a neighborhood and spotting
a couple of chairs outside. Some people are actually leaving them for
the goodwill or maybe another nonprofit organization to pick up.