Pole and Chain Fence

When looking for property to purchase or rental or business and
you come across to a pole and chain fence like the one in the picture
above this might give you some clues to the neighborhood.
Don't forget you can always ask the owners or occupants for some more
information about the neighborhood.
Usually when you see a pole and chain fence like this it's signs of some
sort of activity around this part of the house. For example people
probably walked on this area as a shortcut to the building, then maybe
the building owner installed the poll and chain fence only to find
people hopping over it for a shortcut. Now as a last resort they planted
some shrubbery to prevent people from walking on this path.
It could quite simply be a decoration or something left over from the
past that was never removed. As a home inspector you are going to have
to think outside of the box when you are doing your home inspections.