Floor Corner Framing Damage

This termite damage is located at one of the
corners of the house and seems to be quite extensive. This house is
going through the remodeling process and of course all termite damage
will need to be replaced.
While working on this home I could not figure out where the damage had
actually came from. There was a hose bib about 10 feet away from the
wood damage and of course there was a gate right next to the corner of
the house.
The only conclusion I came up with was the sprinklers could have been
spraying onto the wood gate and of course this side of the house was
constantly shaded by and large growing plants from the property next
The floor corner framing damage could have been caused from moisture on
a daily basis seeping into the piece of wood nailed on to the house
stucco used to keep the gate closed. This moisture of course would seep
into the stucco and onto the wood creating a fresh supply of moisture
for the termites.
This damage was only found after the stucco and drywall was removed.