Wall Framing Termite Damage

The wall framing termite damage is quite
extensive and of course would never have been found if the whole house
was not going through a complete remodel.
Most termite damage never seems to get replaced because it is never
found. Some termite damage can be quite extensive in nonstructural
framing members with little threat to the home itself.
The corner of this wall would be a good example of a lot of termite
damage in an area where there is still enough wood framing left to hold
up the roof structure.
The corners of a wood framed house usually consist of at least three or
four 2 x 4's and if the termites completely destroyed one of them there
is usually a couple left to hold up the building.
Sometimes a house will be tented for termites or pest control and the
condition of the framing will not get any worse because the termites
have been removed. These homes can still last for many years in this