Patio Joist Attached To Fascia
Whenever you see a patio joist attached to the
roof fascia board there is a good chance the patio was not permitted
because most building departments do not allow this.
I'm not saying this patio will ever fall down and I have seen situations
like this where the patio never does any damage to the fascia board and
will last a long time.
Most covered patio joists will need to attach directly to the house and
be fastened with lag screws into the wall studs.
In situations like this I have the seen the patio joists actually hold
moisture where the joist butts up against the fascia board and will
eventually damage the fascia board and the patio joists.
Most of the time this damage is caused from moisture on the roofing
materials that eventually works its way down to the fascia board on a
daily basis. Normally I run into situations like this near the beach
areas where condensation levels blanket the roofing with water early in
the morning, later drying out towards the afternoon.