Signs Of Door Rubbing

Inspect the edge of any door to find out if it is
rubbing up against the door jam. This is usually not that big of a
concern and can be repaired a couple of different ways.
If the door is rubbing up against the door jam you will see sections of
paint scraped away from the door jam also.
Some doors sag over time from whether and use. It would be difficult to
fix a sagging door but it could be done.
The simplest way to fix a door that is rubbing against the door jam
would be to simply sand the door down with a power sander until you have
about an 1/8 inch gap in between the door and the jamb.
Another way to repair the door would be using a door planer or a power
planer to remove enough material to where you have an eighth inch gap in
between the door and the jamb.
Once this repair has been made you will find yourself doing it again
until the door itself needs to be replaced. Once these door starts
sagging they seem to keep sagging.
One way to tell if the door is sagging is to actually look at the top of
the door jam when it is closed. Look for a larger gap between the door
and the door jam on the opposite side of the door hinges.
Rubbing doors can also be caused from moisture that causes the doors to
swell up, this usually occurs in the wintertime or rainy season and in
the summer time the doors will shrink back to normal size.
You will notice this if you ever plane the door down in the wintertime
to quit rubbing against the door jam and in the summer time you will
notice a large gap between the door and the door jam, because the door
has returned back to its original size.
Keep this in mind, if you have a door problem in the wintertime and not
in the summertime.