Damaged Asphalt Driveway With Wood Dividers

I'm sure a one time this driveway looked nice. Installing the wood dividers turned a regular asphalt driveway into a more decorative and later dangerous driveway. Please keep in mind that most wood rots when touching soil. Wood is not going to be a good choice in the long run for any walkways or driveways.

The wood dividers in the asphalt driveway create a gap for water to drain in between the wood and the asphalt creating possible erosion problems. The erosion of course leads to an uneven driveway eventually. If the builder of this driveway didn't use any wood , you probably wouldn't even see any irregularities.

This driveway hasn't had it happened yet but most wood ends up deteriorating over time leaving large gaps in between the asphalt creating a safety hazard.