Room Addition Problem

As a home inspector you will run into almost every sort of
possible building flaws you could possibly ever imagine. This addition
to the home is not the worst one I have ever seen so we can stop right
there with that.
There's a good chance the building department would not have okayed the
wall that close to the window for the new room addition. You can see
there is no wood trim to make a nice clean transition from the room
addition to the house.
Without this wood trim or even some sort of sealant, this opens the new
room addition up to insects and cold drafts increasing heating costs.
If you are looking at a home as a homeowner with the idea of purchasing
be aware of problems like this. Some houses will be listed without the
room addition. The reason for this most of the time is there were never
any building permits pulled and that means the room addition hasn't been
inspected by a city building inspector.
This is one of the main reasons why I wrote my book, for homeowners as
well as building professionals, to inform unsuspecting buyers of
potential problems that could turn into your worst home buying